Sunday, December 31, 2006


instead of snowballs we should see we get sheepballs and they all call out BAAA. Bachelor of applied arts (animation) students all screaming for snow :)* happy new year guys


Lisa Tao said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaa sooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Matthew Lau said...


hkm said...

i want a BAAA!!!!
cuteeeee \(^o^)/

Hodges said...


Jeffrey Cheung said...

haha BAAA

Daniel Chou said...

Hey lettie! This picture is really cute! Here is a tip. We generally learn that when background gets further in space it gets cooler, however clouds are exact opposite. Clouds are cooler up front and warmer as it gets further away. Hope this helps!

Aw this picture brings really made me smile haha its cute.